Get Involved
A special thanks to our recent supporters...
Tulsa Community Foundation
American Endowment Foundation
Vanguard Charitable
Arizona YWCA Metropolitan Phoenix
The Valley Of The Sun United Way
Arizona Community Foundation
The City Of Phoenix
The Smart & Final Charitable Fund
Want to make a difference today?
Couples filing jointly can donate up to $938. (single filers $470)- and receive dollar for dollar return.

Make a Donation
Arizona Kids THINK Too is a Qualifying Charitable Organization under the Arizona Department of Revenue, which allows us the ARIZONA TAX CREDIT which is a dollar-for-dollar credit up to $470 for single filers ($938 for married couples) for 2024
Arizona Kids THINK Too QCO Code is 20143.
Arizona Kids Think Too
3150 N 24th Street
Suite A-206
Phoenix AZ 85016
Donate to AZ Kids Think Too shopping at FRYS STORES
1. Go to FrysCommunityRewards.com
2. Go to the bottom of the page and click ‘Enroll Now‘
3. Sign in with your account information -OR- Register for a new account
4. Under Find Your Organization, search for: Arizona Kids Think Too
5. Select Arizona Kids Think too and click ‘Enroll’
6. Shop at Fry’s!

Partner with Us
Arizona Kids THINK Too is a Qualifying Charitable Organization under the Arizona Department of Revenue.
Arizona Kids THINK Too is eligible for an ARIZONA TAX CREDIT dollar-for-dollar up to $400 ($800 for married couples). This contribution can be donated in any
Our organization’s assigned QCO Code is 20143.
For more information on this tax credit: click here

Join Our Team!
Arizona Kids THINK Too is hiring tutors and after-school teachers for 2024 to work in all areas of the valley; including Glendale, Tempe, Scottsdale, and Phoenix. Must have some experience with school-aged children and reliable transportation. College Students are encouraged to apply. Please send resume to kgappa@azkidsthinktoo.org